Sunday, February 2, 2014

Oh, Sophie Girl

Sophie now attends the big kids primary class at church and she does not like it. One bit. 

We pretty much argue and fight with her all day prior to church and all through the first meeting hour (church starts at 1pm) and I try to refrain from saying through clenched teeth, "Mom wants to sit next to Dad without someone climbing all over her, pulling her dress down, or blackmailing her into drawing horses so you won't scream in church. You are going to class, dang it."

Last week, I sat with her next to her teacher until she was done with her overly dramatic tantrum about being there and then I told her, "I need to go check on Dad, and then I'll come back and check on you in a little while." Yes, devious on my part. 

She fake whimpered and stuck out her pouty lips and knitted her brows and begrudgingly said ok. I left and saw her teacher lean over to talk to her and she humphed at the teacher, turned away from her, folded her arms, and glared at the wall. Lovely.

A half an hour later I stopped by to peak in the window and couldn't help laughing - Sophie had moved to the chair farthest from her teacher, but she wasn't laying under her chair with her dress pulled up to cover her face, as in previous weeks. She was happily singing along with the other kids- as long as no one looked at her or talked to her. 

So, you know, progress, right?

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