Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Foot in my mouth

We fired Nyah's psychologist - too many snippy comments about homeschooling and refusing to medicate- even though all I said is we didn't want to *start* with medication- and not enough help on what to actually do to improve our day to day interactions.

So now we are working with someone new. Someone who homeschooled his own kids and his kids are now homeschooling their kids. Someone who doesn't think Nyah has ADHD because she sat fairly still and had a conversation with him for over an hour. Someone who doesn't want to medicate her "problems" away. Someone with experience working with kids with learning disabilities. 

Someone who gave Nyah an actual 5 step plan where we initially say no to every request Nyah makes and she has to work on her communication skills to negotiate and make a deal so both sides can get what they want. Real-life life-skills. 

We're still on a rocky road. There are still many bad moments and a few totally bad days. But I feel  optimistic and hopeful. 


  1. Saying "no" to everything sounds like a cool tactic! I'm going to try that when I have kids! (And then I'll probably find out how horrible it is.) That would really get you to stop and think about why you wanted something and whether it was a good idea or not or if you could live without it. This new doctor man sounds good!

  2. So glad to hear that the new dr is listening to you and offering ideas to help in your day-to-day life.


What's going on these days....

Kurt- Busy as ever with work  Decided to do his Master's degree Still playing guitar & charming our children to sleep Mana...