Thursday, April 11, 2013

Finger Paint

Finger Painting

yellow dollops
on polished paper
chubby hands sunshine circles

scarlet red
slips through fingers
streaky sunsets autumn lights

little thumbs
press cobalt blue
purple dots and scary things

vivid green
mixed round and round
until the whole is yucky brown 

I don't know who thought it would be a good idea to get some finger paint and let these girls go at it. 

Actually, I do. It was me. 

See the couch behind them? Now it has a blue streak across the top. 

The pants I'd just washed and put on that morning, now have a red and yellow smear. 

The bathroom, oh my, it looked like a container of finger paint exploded in there - door frame, wall, light switch, sink, faucet, shower curtain, bathtub - they touched everything. 

Ha, creativity. Thank goodness it's so much fun! 

1 comment:

  1. You are nurturing creativity! It's going to be a little messy, I guess. It usually is.


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