Thursday, April 25, 2013


Last week, Austin & Nyah did their standardized testing at a local college campus. 

Yeah, they had fun :)


  1. When do you find out how they did?

  2. I don't know. After one test, Nyah said, "I didn't know any of them so I just guessed on all of them." I hope that's an exaggeration? Austin said he did okay. I don't really care. I'm more interested in (((finally))) getting Nyah's results/IEP info for her learning disabilities and autism stuff. Sometime soon. Hopefully.

  3. Standardized tests are so ridiculous. So many factors can affect how you do on them. I hope Nyah's results make you feel better about things, not worse, if that makes sense. :) Let me know what happens! Love you!


What's going on these days....

Kurt- Busy as ever with work  Decided to do his Master's degree Still playing guitar & charming our children to sleep Mana...