Friday, March 22, 2013

Go, Olivia, GO!!

This video brings tears to my eyes. 

You see, it's been a week of worries for me. 
I've been trying to make sense of Olivia's MRI report. 
There are some new things I wasn't clear about. 
Some things I didn't realize what they meant. 
And I've been playing phone tag with Olivia's doctor. 
He finally decided to leave a message, but it's left me feeling unsettled.

I have more questions than I have answers. 
And I know that is always going to be the case with NF1. 

It's so easy to get caught up my fears and worries about her future. 

But then she does something incredible. 
Something that because of her strength, motor, & coordination issues I wondered when - if - she'd ever be able to do it. 

Now she wants to go to the playground every day. 

And I know she's always going to amaze us as she overcomes her challenges one by one.


  1. Love the video! Especially love her fist-pump of enthusiasm at the end. It's those small moments in life that are so incredibly priceless! Love you Olivia!


What's going on these days....

Kurt- Busy as ever with work  Decided to do his Master's degree Still playing guitar & charming our children to sleep Mana...